No steppie! Gadsden flag Rattlesnake Snek meme. Yellow snake cartoonish and comical meme inspired by the Libertarian Gadsden yellow and black flag. No Step On Snek DO NOT bubble speech Pattern white background Gadsden Flag Meme Parody.
While ensure a well-supported spine to prevent aches and pains during long hours of sleeping or sitting, this rectangular shape lumbar cushion case bring the latest color trends and images into your living area or bedroom.
This lumbar throw cushion case can be full bleed printed with your photos, ideas, and creativity by our most advanced digital printing technology and features a hidden zipper. The cover is made of Premium Plush Fleece (100% polyester), which makes it soft, cuddly and perfect for snuggling up to.
The position of the opening may vary. If you have a specific request, please feel free to contact our customer service representative for assistance.
- Measures 16"x24"
- Available in 3 sizes. Click here
- Pillow not included