No steppie! Gadsden flag Rattlesnake Snek meme. Yellow snake cartoonish and comical meme inspired by the Libertarian Gadsden yellow and black flag. No Step On Snek DO NOT bubble speech Pattern white background Gadsden Flag Meme Parody.
Set the theme of bathroom with a personalized shower curtain to match the tile and vanity colors. Designed to fit standardized bath tubs and fully waterproof from color wear, this polyester shower curtain is able to print a vast range of colors with a fine degree of detail. In addition, this tough durable fabric allows for easy cleaning.
- Made from polyester
- Measures approximately 60"(w) x 72"(h)
- 11 eyelets
- White C-shape rings included
- Machine wash cold. Do not bleach or tumble dry
- Images imprinted using heat dye sublimation technique for lasting effects
We recommend you use images of at least 10 megapixels (approximately 3MB in size) or use several different images to create a collage for desired outcome.