No steppie! Gadsden flag Rattlesnake Snek meme. Yellow snake cartoonish and comical meme inspired by the Libertarian Gadsden yellow and black flag. No Step On Snek Pattern yellow on pink background Gadsden Flag Meme Parody
Wear in on your shoulder or wear it as a backpack! This full custom print bag is super versatile and comes with a number of compartments for you to organize your items on the go.
Measures: 11.2"(L) x 4.1"(W) x 13.3''(H)
Non-fading and non-toxic
Heavyweight canvas material
Adjustable straps
Machine washable
Please note that due to the limited printing area, patterns used on the straps may be trimmed. In addition, photos and text are also not recommended for this area.