No steppie! Gadsden flag Rattlesnake Snek meme. Yellow snake cartoonish and comical meme inspired by the Libertarian Gadsden yellow and black flag. No Step On Snek Pattern yellow on pink background Gadsden Flag Meme Parody
Jazz up your bedroom with your personalized set of fitted sheets that will go perfect with your duvet covers and pillow cases! With a range of sizes for you to choose from, the whole family can even have matching sheets to add to the fun! Complete your set with your own duvet cover and pillow cases as well!
- Bed Size: King
- Dimensions: 76" W x 80" H x 15" D
- 100% Polyester
- Machine Wash Cold
Attn: Please note that there will be stitching along the middle of the product due to product being of relatively large size.