No steppie! Gadsden flag Rattlesnake Snek meme. Yellow snake cartoonish and comical meme inspired by the Libertarian Gadsden yellow and black flag. No Step On Snek Pattern yellow on pink background Gadsden Flag Meme Parody
Give warmth to friends and family members with a personalized touch in the shape of fleece blankets. With advanced technology and investment put into new machinery, we are proud to present you with well-sized blankets that can be fully customized. Whether used as a lap warmer or snuggling in on a cold wintery night, these refined sizes are conveniently suited for indoor and outdoor usage.
- Photo Collage Full Color Printing
- Printed on one side
- Made of polar fleece
- Provides warmth with light weight
- Machine washable and dries quickly
- All blankets are white colored with black satin trim
- Good alternative if allergic or sensitive to wool
- Dimensions: 50" x 60"
- Weighs approximately 495 g